1922 - Free State forces attack and capture Republican held Tipperary Town

On this day in 1922, Free State forces under Dubliner Comdt. Paddy O’ Connor attacked and captured Republican-held Tipperary town.

It was to be one of a number of towns in the region that were retaken from anti-Treaty forces in the summer of 1922.

In his report to the Chief of Staff afterwards, O’ Connor stated: “The southern line of the Irregulars having been successfully assailed on the flanks, has begun to crumple in the centre. Following up the engagement at Golden, where three Irregulars were killed and 24 captured, the National Army advanced on Tipperary on Saturday night. After a fight lasting several hours, the Irregulars beat a retreat and the troops entered the town. It was found that Messrs Cleeve’s condensed milk factory had been destroyed by fire, in addition to the other buildings laid in ruins during the period of the Irregular occupation.


Denis G. Marnane and Mary Guinan Darmody, County Tipperary 1921-1913 -A History in 60 Documents p16.