Speaker: Regina Sexton. The Irish ‘Big House’ had an elaborate, diverse and highly sophisticated culture of food and cookery that was comparable to that of British estate houses. Accounts from handwritten cookery books, household purchases and the activates of their well-managed gardens gives us a detailed insight into the food preparation and table rituals of the Irish estate houses. Food and culinary historian, Regina Sexton, has spent many years researching these sources and cooking from 18th and 19th century recipe books in some of the country’s best preserved Big House kitchens and she is happy to share her experiences of kitchen, cooking and recipe books.
Biography: Regina Sexton is a culture, foodand culinary historian, award-winning foodwriter, broadcaster and cook. She is also agraduate of Ballymaloe Cookery School holdinga Certificate in Food and Cookery. She is theProgramme Manager of UCC’s Post-graduateDiploma in Irish Food Culture. Regina has beenresearching and publishing in the field of Irishfood and culinary history from 1993 and sincethen she has been Ireland’s leading food andculinary historian promoting this field of studyat both academic and popular levels. To thatend, she was first to bring aspects of Ireland’sfood heritage to broadcast and paper media.