
Speaker: John Dorney. The ‘Big House’ or country mansion of the Anglo- Irish landed class, was a target of republicans throughout the Irish revolution of 1919-23. Nearly 300 were burned out, blown up or otherwise destroyed between 1920 and 1923. Of these, over two thirds were burned out by republicans during the Civil War of 1922-23. In this talk, John Dorney examines why and how this happened.

Nov 5, 2022
Nov 5, 2022
10:30 am
12:00 pm
Council Chamber, Civic Offices, Clonmel

Biography: John Dorney is an independenthistorian, chief editor of The Irish Storywebsite and author of Peace After the FinalBattle, the Story of the Irish Revolution1912-1924, and The Civil War in Dublin, the Fight for the Irish Capital 1922-24.

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