Lecture Series

Speaker: Piaras Mac Éinrí. Synopsis: The decades between 1960 and 2000 were a time of massive social, political and economic transformation in Ireland. Yet, emigration has remained a live, controversial topic. On one hand, there are ‘myths and narratives’ of emigration – stories of oppression, famine and forced departure. On the other hand, there are the underlying social and economic realities which determine individual and group options and decisions in particular times, places and circumstances. Custom and culture, geopolitical and economic factors all play a role. Will emigration from Ireland always be inevitable? This talk will explore the classic narratives of Irish emigration as well as recent experiences.

Nov 9, 2024
Nov 9, 2024
10:30 am
12:30 pm
Council Chamber, County Hall, Clonmel

Biography: Piaras Mac Éinrí lectured in Migration Studies, was researcher with the Institute for Social Studies in the 21st Century at University College Cork, and was Director of the inter-disciplinary Irish Centre for Migration Studies. He has researched, published and taught extensively on topics of migration to and from Ireland, integration and identity, refugee and asylum issues. He was a founding member in 2000 of Nasc, the Centre for Refugees and Migrants in Cork, and also served as advisor to the Immigrant Centre of Ireland and as Board member of the National Consultative Centre on Racism and Intercultural in Ireland. He served in the Department of Foreign Affairs.

Admission is €10 (cash only)
Booking in advance
Email to
052 6165252 or on the door

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